Market Day at school is a must do! Recently, this day was hosted at our school by using projects our students have been working on all year. I will have to say that for many of our projects, this one day really brought to life a feeling of accomplishment for our students.
Ideas for Market Day at School
Each grade level has worked tremendously hard over the past three years on year long projects. For instance, one grade level cares for a Pollinator Garden. Another grade level creates compost, and so on. It has taken quite a while to really get these projects going. Each year, something new is added to the project load. This year, Market Day was added. Each grade group brainstormed how to create a product with their project or that reflected upon their project.

Things to sell on Market Day at School
Once the decision was made to host Market Day, students then began to brainstorm what products could be possible. In the end, Kindergarten created recycled plastic art modeled after the creations of Chihuly. First grade made pepper jelly from their pepper harvest. Second grade made seed bombs from seeds harvested straight from the Pollinator Garden. Third grade created healthy snacks and smoothies from their Tower Garden crops. Fourth grade made play-dough and created a sensory box. Finally, fifth grade sold compost.

What to make for Market Day at School
Many grade levels brainstormed at the beginning of the school year about their product. Of course, grade levels like Kindergarten needed to wait until rituals and routines had been established. K teachers…. you know this takes a while! Supplies for products began to be ordered some time in January, and all a grade levels documented their expenses to be able to generate profit amounts after Market Day at school. February was creation month. Products were created, advertising got underway, and more planning for booths took place. Students also went through customer service training.

Market Day Celebration at School
We all anticipated this day in March. Not knowing if the community would show up, if we made enough product, or if our schedules for students to travel around would work was nerve racking! However, students had major buy-in! They were pumped beyond belief. Math, science, technology, art, engineering, and economics standards were being practiced at the highest levels of inquiry. Turns out…. it was a huge success!!! However, improvements are much needed! Pepper jelly sold out in 15 minutes. Holy Toledo (as one teacher at our school loves to say)! Student entrepreneurs were created in the masses! Market Day will be held annually from now on!
I hope that this inspires you in some way to create this event for your school or classroom. It is easily modified and so worth while!
Find out about STEM Day at our school, and how we make it a raving success, as well.
Are you interested in creating a true STEM/STEAM classroom in any subject area? Do you want to use Project Based Learning like Market Day? Check out and download my 9 step guide for FREE!