Each year I have the task of introducing the elements of STEAM learning to a new group of Kindergartners. As many of you know, the first few months of Kindergarten can be well…… interesting. Is that the right word? There are so many foundations and routines that need to put into place before these sweeties are ready to understand something like the elements of STEAM in Kindergarten. The best part about teaching Kindergartners is their ability to soak up information like sponges, ask questions, and be amazed by what you bring to them. The biggest challenge…. the “squirrel syndrome.”
When is the best time to introduce Kindergarten STEAM?

My colleagues and I have discovered that somewhere around the end of September in a regular school year is the best time to begin introducing STEAM. For many of them, this is the first time they have heard the word in a new context. It is an acronym. This is the first thing to begin helping them understand. Yes, it’s word, but each letter stands for something else. That’s where we start. The easiest way to get them excited is to pump each letter of STEAM up with a “hook” of an introduction. Of course, we begin with the letter “S.”
Kindergarten STEM Units – Science Introduction to Kindergarten
I have found that Kindergartners need to continue building language daily. When I introduce each letter in STEAM to Kindergarten, I incorporate using the Common Core Language Standards throughout my instruction. It’s very simple to do. This also allows you to incorporate teaching science while also teaching the key elements of language acquisition in your classroom. Not to mention, it also gives you an interest building topic to wow their little minds with. After hooking them with and ooey-goey science experiment, we complete activities for exactly one week all related to what science is. I love using Steve Spangler ideas for his ooey-goey science activities. I teach them about science and scientists. I try to break down the stereotypes in their minds about scientists and introduce them into making observations like scientists, as well.

We complete letter “S” handwriting and science related sand writing. They get to complete science sorts in relation to nouns and verbs. We observe nature. The most important task done during this first introduction week is the gifting to them of their STEAM journals all labeled with their name and wrapped in a box like a Christmas gift. Ownership is taken and curiosity has been sparked.
Kindergarten STEM Lessons – Introduction of Technology

Now for week 2…. Technology. I use the word technology consistently when I introduce it, but for the sake of time I let my Kinders spell the word tech. We learn what a “techie” must do for a career in today’s society, but most importantly we learn the definition of technology. Technology is anything created by a human to make a job easier. This means that technology can be as simple as a pencil. A great time to cover language and social studies concepts during this week is to learn about technology then and now. I enjoy allowing them to sort tech from then and now as an independent station. Language is being built each an every day during this study.

How do I get them hooked? One of my favorite “amaze the kinders” gadgets is a little fan that plugs into my phone. It blows them away and allows them to see just how simple technology can be. We have discussions about the problem that it solves and how it works.
One of the greatest next steps with kinders to introduce them to technology is coding. You do not need to know how to code to do this with kinders. Scratch Jr. is one of the easiest platforms to use that they will absolutely love playing around with. Here is some great information about coding with any age level from one of my online besties all about coding from the Computer Corner. Scratch Jr. is explained here by the Computer Corner.
Kindergarten STEM Ideas -Introducing Engineering
This has to be one of my favorite weeks. Each week, we pull out the STEAM journal and add a new letter and word. This week, we add a blueprint model page and create a design. I pull out all the stops. We have building stations galore! I think that this must be one of their favorite weeks, too. The Engineering Design Process is introduced through a classroom chant with dance moves. Every students asks each day if we can practice it.

After this week, students are beginning to really catch on to the introduction of STEAM. Kindergarten STEAM is so fun. It builds a strong foundation when students are curious little sponges. It prepares them for their future endeavors ten fold.
Introducing the Arts
I am a fan of arts education. It is the thread that binds every subject together. Our creative minds grow through arts education. Art is the perfect addition to STEM education. In Kindergarten we are on week 4. By now, they already know how to predict that this week will be letter A and next week will be letter M. They already know the words the letters stand for. I like to introduce famous pieces of art work to my kinders during this week. We talk and talk and talk about them. Literally, I am rolling in laughter all week. My excitement shows, and it helps them to stay motivated and thirsty for more.
I haven’t stopped with language incorporation into any of these activities which makes it perfectly suitable to complete these activities during the reading block. As much as I can, I incorporate read alouds that supplement each letter for the Kindergarten STEAM introduction weeks.
Kindergarten STEM Curriculum – Mathematics Introduction
By the beginning of October, Kindergartners have a good understanding of number sense. They do understand the word math. I make sure to tell them what math is short for and how it can be used in a career. I love to blow their mind with some NASA studies and the necessity of math. I love to ooh and aah them. Of course, we add the new letter to the STEAM journal. On the first introduction day, I like to let them work in groups for the first time. I give them a few random objects and let them incorporate the arts to act out a math problem that they create. They get to be actors for the day. It’s so fun!

Kindergarten STEM Project Ideas
My five weeks of Kindergarten STEAM introduction have been so fun, but what has this prepared them for? During week 6, I help them to understand a problem that happens around our campus. Now that they know how to think like scientists and engineers, and so on. They get to solve the problem. We begin working on our year long STEAM project. What is that? Saving the planet from litter. They are super pumped by now. It’s time to begin collecting data and gathering ideas to implement a design process.
We bring their project full circle at the end of the year by creating products for Market Day. The joy this day brings is worth it all. Kindergartners are passionate and adorable. They are kind and curious. Yes, they are still learning and have their days, but I wish we could all keep a Kindergarten heart.
Want to see my full Kindergarten STEAM curriculum? Check it out here: Kindergarten STEAM. The full curriculum is available or separately: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math.
Are you interested in creating a true STEM/STEAM classroom in any subject area? Do you want to use Project Based Learning like Market Day? Check out and download my 9 step guide for FREE!