Boosting student engagement is ALWAYS on a teacher’s mind…
Whoop! Whoop! First episode of 2021…. WE ARE HERE!
Back to the Basics is continued with creating engagement through HOOK and HYPE!!
Find out in the episode what hook and hype are all about and…. how to HOOK and HYPE Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics every day!!! Get some EASY tips you can use now!
A couple of fun and SUPER EASY techniques I like to use are SEE, THINK, WONDER and virtual field trips! Read about them by clicking on the links you see here.
I want to officially invite you to attend: The Roadmap to STEM/STEAM Masterclass so that you can get your hands on an AMAZING workbook that will help you set up HOOK and HYPE ideas to go in the file for your classroom! Plus… I can’t wait to see you there!!!